“In the providence of God, governments were intended to be the servants, not the masters of the people. This eternal truth needs to be emphasized and re-emphasized.” Elder Ezra Taft Benson

Dec 9, 2010

Oh, By the Way... Public Healthcare Passed

Well, since my last time blogging on here, Obama and Pelosi's public healthcare bill has been passed.

I was sitting in the living room of the resort we stayed in for our Disneyland trip. The Shills were all there, too. When they announced that it passed, I cried and felt like it was the end of the world. I tried hiding my tears and went into our room. Cody came and comforted me. Later, my dad gave me some comforting words and assuring reminders.

We know things will continue to get worse in the world until the Savior comes again. We know that we must continue on righteously no matter what happens. If we follow Jesus Christ and his gospel, we will be on his side - whether in this life or the next - when He comes. (Thanks, Dad! And thanks to the scriptures!)

I wonder if this is why my mom (and my Aunt Kendra, and my sister Brittany) feels inspired to become a nurse. A nurse or doctor in the family might be really useful if medicine becomes socialized and waiting periods become ridiculous.

The fact that the healthcare bill passed makes me even MORE thankful for Sunrider. I want to be more proactive about my health, and the health of my loved ones!!!

The Healthcare Bill wasn't even about our health care, though. It was about more government control. Yeah, I know! They're so wicked!!! They have an insatiable desire for power. It's nice to know that at some point, they'll lose. Badly.

I'm thankful for the HOPE I have in Christ! It helps me stay sane and positive with all the crazy, evil politicians running around destroying our freedoms.

Coming Back to Journal

For the last long while, this blog has been private and no one has viewed it. I just read or skimmed through all the posts and have decided that I can keep using this as an outlet for my politial rants and opinions.

I'll make this blog into a book and it will be my political journal.

I often wonder why I am so interested in politics, more so than the average person (or stay-home-mom). Is it becaues I have a mission to fulfill? Is it because I need to teach my children correctly so that my posterity will go forward as great leaders? Is it merely because we are to be righteous citizens and patriots and virtue must be supported and upheld by as many as possible?

I do not know. But I love the Founding Fathers. I love their extreme sacrifices and dedication to TRUTH and to God. I love the constitution. I love this land - the Promised Land.

I'm thankful and proud to be an American. I know I am a Child of God who lives and loves me.