“In the providence of God, governments were intended to be the servants, not the masters of the people. This eternal truth needs to be emphasized and re-emphasized.” Elder Ezra Taft Benson

Mar 10, 2010

Pelosi: "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"

Nancy Pelosi said we have to pass the healthcare bill to find out what's in it.


(It's 10 seconds long.)

I want to know why we can't know everything about it now? Well a lot of what's in the bill has gotten out, thank goodness, but not through mainstream media for all to see. 

The more people find out what's in this bill and what this bill means and really is, the more people reject it entirely. 

Three fourths of Americans are AGAINST healthcare reform as Pelosi and Reid are proposing... why are they ignoring THE PEOPLE?

Aren't they a government FOR the people BY the people? Well, they're supposed to be. 

This healthcare bill (or both of them, however many they've proposed now) is a bigger deal than most people realize. 

If government is ignoring the people and not being forward, open and honest about what all EXACTLY is in this bill, why on earth would they want to pass it?

What is it about getting this passed that they so desperately want?

It's not that hard to figure out. They want more control. This bill is not about America's health, this bill is about passing laws to control us EVEN MORE than they already do. 

Did you know that over 40,000 new laws were passed during the holidays that are now in effect since January 1st of this year?

Put the pieces together. The more they can pass laws about everyday things we do, the more control they have. This bill is all about more laws and is NOTHING about what Obama says. 

They tell sob story after sob story of people who had to wear their dead sister's dentures because she couldn't afford her own (no joke) and try to play off people's emotions.

Why not use honesty, common sense and integrity to try and pass it? 

OH - because it's DISHONEST and we, the people, wouldn't like the truth, if we heard it.