“In the providence of God, governments were intended to be the servants, not the masters of the people. This eternal truth needs to be emphasized and re-emphasized.” Elder Ezra Taft Benson

Dec 18, 2009

Global What?

Don't buy anything that says it's "eco-friendly" or "green" and "safer" for our planet. 

Fact: GLOBAL COOLING (like it was called in the seventies)... ehem, excuse me... I mean GLOBAL WARMING... oh wait, now it's CLIMATE CHANGE is a political hoax. "Going green" means you're furthering a political agenda of conceited frauds.

It doesn't matter if you use only one square of toilet paper. It doesn't matter whether you use paper or plastic bags at the grocery store. It doesn't make a difference if you drive a giant SUV or a dumb prius! Now, I do believe recycling is good, being frugal and thrifty is good, and we shouldn't be wasteful... but that's due to what prophets have said, not politicians.

Why would God who created us put us on Earth only for our progression to destroy everything and "accidentally" end mortality too early because we didn't drive the right kind of car? GIVE me a BREAK.

What will happen to the earth will be what Heavenly Father wants to happen. The earth is His footstool. 

Just look at how much Obama and Gore pollute the earth and do the very OPPOSITE of what they tell everyone else to do... they're hypocrites. Here are just a FEW places were you can read about it:

Anyway, just wanted to share that Climate Change is a big, fat, LIE.

God Bless America.