“In the providence of God, governments were intended to be the servants, not the masters of the people. This eternal truth needs to be emphasized and re-emphasized.” Elder Ezra Taft Benson

Jan 8, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness: THE TRUTH

Ladies, well, everyone - the whole Pink Ribbon and Breast Cancer Awareness is a big, fat lie. 


Women buy the most products, so products and services women buy are branded with pink ribbons.

Sex sells, and "Breast Cancer Awareness" is a way of talking about sex without talking about sex.

Lung cancer kills about twice as many women a year.

Ten times more women are killed by heart disease every year... why not bring more attention to these two much-more-fatal problems?

People who sponsor breast cancer walks are not using money for "finding a cure" or finding the cause.

Read about how MAMMOGRAMS cause cancer. 
What? Then why would they encourage women of all ages to get one EVERY YEAR?

Read how abortions and hormonal birth control (and a lot more) contribute to cancer. 
Why don't they tell us our birth control can contribute towards cancer and make us infertile?

I've researched a lot of what this video shows and tells (other than the signs and symbols it talks about in the first part) and it is true.

This has a lot of great information from tanning to microwaves to drug companies.

So ladies, prevent cancer by:

  1. Wearing deodorant, of course, but not 'anti-perspirant' deodorants that clog your pores and inhibit toxins from being sweat out of your body.
  2. Switch from hormonal birth control methods to non-hormonal kinds (moms having babies - breastfeeding is an AWESOME, easy, and natural way).
  3. Do NOT get mammograms.
  4. If having children, breastfeed! Breastfeeding significantly reduces your risk!
  5. Don't eat (or eat less of) microwaved foods. 
  6. The more raw foods incorporated into your diet, the better. 
  7. Get enough sleep and sleep regularly.
  8. Exercise! 
(I definitely need to eat better and exercise... especially with cancer from both sides of my family!)


  1. This is why I was interested in being a DO instead of a MD at first but then decided I could be a MD that practices DO stuff. You should read up on their thoughts on medicine.

  2. Thanks for posting this, Breeana!

    My great aunt had breast cancer and my Grandma has been through several breast biopsies when they thought she might have breast cancer (you can get lumps or tumor but it's sometimes harmless).

  3. Tracy - I should! Thanks for the suggestion.

    No problem, Kate! That is so sad - that means it runs in your family, too. My grandma had breast cancer and I have several benign lumps already. However, they didn't tell me that benign can become worse and eventually cancerous if you continue to eat unhealthy (cysts are pockets of toxins that your body's trying to deal with). Something I need to be wary of!
